In honor of Juneteenth, The Center for Oil and Gas Organizing, Frontlines To FERC campaign, launched our Let’s Get Free From LNG short video series. We are highlighting community voices from around the country that are battling existing and proposed Liquefied Natural Gas Export Facilities. 

The first three videos highlight frontline leaders in Port Arthur, Texas; Lake Charles, Louisiana; and Freeport, Texas. These historic communities sit within miles of Galveston, Texas– The birthplace of Juneteenth celebrations, recognizing emancipation from chattel slavery in the United States of America.

Today, these communities are still standing strong and fighting against discrimination, environmental injustice, and targeting by exploitative industries, including the expansion of Liquefied Natural Gas Export Facilities.  

We thank you for taking a moment to watch and share the first videos in the series. New videos and updates on Federal civic engagement will be posted on our social media, @FrontlinesSpeak on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.   

Watch the videos below:

YouTube Video 1: John Beard, Founder and President- Port Arthur Community Action Network in Port Arthur, TX speaking at the FERC Roundtable on Environmental Justice and Equity in Infrastructure Permitting held on March 29, 2023

YouTube Video 2: Roishetta Ozane, founder and President of The Vessel Project of Louisiana in  Lake Charles, LA speaking at the FERC Roundtable on Environmental Justice and Equity in Infrastructure Permitting. 

YouTube Video 3: Gwendolyn Jones and Manning Rollerson Sr., Freeport, TX residents, and members of Better Brazoria: Clean Air and Water. Gwen Jones speaking on Capitol Hill at the Ban Fossil Fuel Export Act Press Conference hosted by Senator Ed Markey on May 18, 2023. Manning Rollerson singing “We’ve Come a Long Way” at the People’s Environmental Justice Roundtable held on March 29, 2023.   

Instagram:Port Arthur, TXLake Charles, LAFreeport, TX

For more information, thoughts, and feedback on the series please contact Kari Fulton, Organizing Director, Center for Oil and Gas Organizing at