Group of diverse people standing in front of the U.S. Capitol holding signs denouncing fossil fuels and demanding Climate Action.


March 30th, 2023 

Contact: Cassidy DiPaola,, 401-441-7196

TODAY: Members of Congress and Frontline Activists Hold Press Conference to Call out Polluter Giveaways and Dirty Permitting Reforms

(Washington, D.C) – Today, Thursday, March 30th, at 2pm ET, Fossil Free Media, the Sierra Club, and the Center for Oil and Gas Organizing are joining a press conference held by Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.), and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) to draw the line against new polluter giveaways and any “permitting reforms” that fast track new fossil fuel projects, including House Republicans’ H.R. 1, dubbed the Polluters Over People Act. 

In the wake of the Biden Administration’s decision to approve the Willow Project, and as the House GOP pushes a dirty energy package filled with polluter giveaways, frontline communities, climate and environmental justice advocates, and Members of Congress are speaking up.

The press conference will take place the day after FERC’s Environmental Justice Roundtable, where environmental justice leaders again pressed the Biden Administration to uphold its commitments on climate change and environmental justice. 

EVENT:  Press conference calling on Congress and President Biden to stop polluter giveaways and reject GOP’s attempts to fast track fossil fuel projects.

WHEN: Thursday, March 30th, 2023 at 2pm ET

WHERE: House Triangle Livestream HERE.


-Rep. Grijalva


-Rep. Blumenauer

-Kari Fulton, Center for Oil and Gas Organizing, Climate Justice Policy Advocate

-John Beard, Port Arthur Community Action Network, Founder, President, and Executive Director

-Roishetta Ozane, The Vessel Project of Louisiana, Founder, Director, CEO 

-Monica Scherer, Senior Director of Programs, Alaska Wilderness League

-Tonyisha Harris, Associate Director of Communications and Partnerships, Climate Emergency Advocates

-Ra’Mauri Cash Hamilton, 16, Student from Oakland, CA with Schools for Climate Action and Youth v Apocalypse reading a statement for Rep. Barbara Lee

-Gwen Jones, Citizens for Clean Air and Clean Water of Brazoria County 

-James Hiatt, For A Better Bayou

-Jo Banner, Co-Founder & Co-Director, The Descendants Project

-Leslie Fields, Director, Policy Advocacy and Legal, Sierra Club

-Jean Su, Energy Justice Director and Senior Attorney, Center for Biological Diversity
